
What are Antibiotics

Antibiotics are drugs very valuable, which should preserve the effectiveness of action by using only wisely. Follow a few rules of good practice in order not to penalize your kids!

An observation
Children are the biggest consumers of antibiotics and therefore brunt of resistance. In 2002, children under 6 years received more than six antibiotics on average, six times more than the general population. It's a real paradox when we know that younger people are especially respiratory infections with viral origins. Antibiotics are prescribed by unnecessarily since they can only fight bacterial infections. This is unfortunate, because prescribed excessive, resistors are set up and tend to render ineffective these molecules in children.

A context
Context psychological and social is also involved. Parents want their children to this particular drug and deemed effective. Furthermore, with the constraints of childcare for children, they demand the most aggressive treatment.

Some basic rules:

  • When your doctor prescribes an antibiotic, doseThe number of daily doses and duration of treatment should be followed precisely. Lack of adherence reduces treatment efficacy and increases the risk of increased resistance. If the child is kept in the community and making lunch is not provided, tell your doctor, but above all, do not double the morning dose.
  • Do not give your own antibiotic to your child, even if symptoms seem identical to a previous case. L 'Self-medication in this area is a dangerous practice for the health of youngsters, and helps to make forward antibiotics ineffective.
  • If the child reacts badly to the drug, notify your doctor promptly about these side effects.
  • In case of doubt about the dosage or method of administration, talk to your pharmacist. Tell him also the possible difficulties ofTerminal. It can advise on how to take the medicine to your child.
  • Your medication should be stored in a place inaccessible to your child (ideally a medicine cabinet height, locked).

To prevent infection

Infections of childhood are natural steps that you can not escape. However, we can limit their frequency by asking a child to respect some gestures simple hygiene.

  • Teach him to handwashing before eating, after using the toilet, when in contact with other sick children, etc.. The microbial transmission by the hands and will be limited. Attention is not going overboard hygiene. A child should not live in a sanitized world, far from reality. Instead, the body needs to be in regular contact with the bacterial flora of our homes, which the "lead" the fight against bacterial infections pathogens.
  • Vaccinate your child as directed by your doctor against measles, rubella, pertussis, diphtheria, etc.. and this, from an early age because his immune system is not yet strong enough to respond to certain attacks. For infections pneumococcalThere is now a antipneumoccocique vaccine, PrevenarTo administer to children under two years. It can prevent some serious form of meningitis, pneumonia and sepsis. More than one in two children under 2 years are affected by this Vaccination. This vaccine is reimbursed from 1 January 2003 by health insurance.